
Web Programming & Security

Introduction -      
Image result for web programming & security architectureWorld Wide Web has evolved from a system that delivers static pages to a platform that supports distributed applications, known as web applications and become one of the most prevalent technologies for information and service delivery over Internet. The increasing popularity of web application can be attributed to several factors, including remote accessibility, cross-platform compatibility, fast development, etc. The AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) technology also enhances the user experiences of web applications with better interactivity and responsiveness.
As web applications are increasingly used to deliver security critical services, they become a valuable target for security attacks. Many web applications interact with back-end database systems, which may store sensitive information (e.g., financial, health), the compromise of web applications would result in breaching an enormous amount of information, leading to severe economical losses, ethical and legal consequences. A breach report from a reputed telephone company shows that web applications now reign supreme in both the number of breaches and the amount of data compromised.
Statement of the problem-
The Web platform is a complex ecosystem composed of a large number of components and technologies, including HTTP protocol, web server and server-side application development technologies, web browser and client-side technologies. Web application built and hosted upon such a complex infrastructure faces inherent challenges posed by the features of those components and technologies and the inconsistencies among them. Current widely-used web application development and testing frameworks, on the other hand, offer limited security support. Thus secure web application development is an error prone process and requires substantial efforts, which could be unrealistic under time-to-market pressure and for people with insufficient security skills or awareness. As a result, a high percentage of web applications deployed on the Internet are exposed to security vulnerabilities. According to a report by the Web Application Security Consortium, about 49% of the web applications being reviewed contain vulnerabilities of high risk level and more than 13% of the websites can be compromised completely automatically. A recent report reveals that over 80% of the websites on the Internet have had at least one serious vulnerability.
Past research and experience reveal that different tools can have different effects on application security. The software engineering and software development communities have seen that an effective way to preclude buffer overflow vulnerabilities when developing a new application is to simply use a language that offers automatic memory management.

Challenges in the web security landscape:-
(A)Fine-grained access control.- Fine-grained access control policies define how the application authenticates and authorizes end users, from which application contexts the application can be consulted, and which interaction sequences maintain the application’s integrity (i.e. control-flow integrity). Our objective was to address a range of questions from formal foundation of authentication policies and protocols to the practicalities of authentication such as secure session management.
(B)Information-flow control.- Information-flow control specifies how sensitive data, possibly originating from multiple content providers in multiple trust domains, can be used in data aggregations, and client-side and server-side processing as is typically done in mashups. Challenges here include reconciling information-flow policies from several involved parties, with possibly conflicting goals. Moreover, tracking end-to-end information flow in web applications remains an open question. Our objective was to establish an enhanced understanding of how to make information-flow control policies and mechanisms practical in a web setting.
(C)Secure composition.- Secure composition policies specify how active third-party components, for instance written in JavaScript, can be securely integrated into applications via clientside and server-side mashups. By nature, web mashups heavily depend on interaction and communication across different origins, but contradictory, mashup security relies on separation techniques for protecting both code and data. As a result, traditional HTML techniques (mainly based on the same-origin policies) fail to address both the interaction and separation needs. We wanted to explore principled approaches to achieve the delicate balance between interaction and separation in security composition.
(D)Cross-domain interaction.- One of the original and still unresolved problems of the web is the inherent incompatibility between the cross-domain nature of the hyperlink and the same-origin security policy of its active content. In the recent past the situation has become even more complex with the introduction of client-side primitives for cross-domain interaction, such as CORS. Our objective was to assess the impact of current developments and identify promising directions for solutions.
(E)Recent advances in JavaScript and HTML5.- There are several technological advances in the latest versions of JavaScript (such as strict mode, frozen objects, proxies and SES), that might contribute to the security of web applications. In addition, the research community did make important steps forward in understanding and improving the language by formalizing its semantics. At the same time, web specification (including HTML5 and CSP) are adding tons of new features as well as security measures as part of the browsing environment. Our objective was to have an enhanced understanding of the latest trends and research advances in JavaScript and HTML5 with respect to security.

It can focus on the problem of building secure web applications and protecting vulnerable ones. The contributions of this paper are:
(1) We present three aspects in web application development, which poses inherent challenges for building secure web applications, and identify three levels of security properties that a secure web application should hold: input validity, state integrity and logic correctness. Failure of web applications to fulfill the above security properties is the root cause of corresponding vulnerabilities, which allow for successful exploits.
(2) We classify existing research works into three categories: security by construction, security by verification and security by protection, based on their design principle (i.e., constructing vulnerability-free web applications, identifying and fixing vulnerabilities, or protecting vulnerable web applications against exploits at runtime, respectively) and how security properties are assured at different phases in the life cycle of web application. We are not trying to enumerate all the existing works but have covered most of the represented works.
(3) We identify several open issues that are insufficiently addressed in the existing literature. We also discuss future research opportunities in the area of web application security and the new challenges that are expected ahead. We structure the rest of this paper as follows. Then, we illustrate three essential security properties that a secure web application should hold, as well as corresponding vulnerabilities and attack vectors.we categorize and illustrate the state-of-theart of proposed techniques systematically.