
Berkeley sockets

Berkeley sockets is an application programming interface (API) for Internet sockets and Unix domain sockets, used for inter-process communication (IPC). It is commonly implemented as a library of linkable modules. It originated with the 4.2BSD Unix released in 1983.
A socket is an abstract representation (handle) for the local endpoint of a network communication path. The Berkeley sockets API represents it as a file descriptor (file handle) in the Unix philosophy that provides a common interface for input and output to streams of data.
Berkeley sockets evolved with little modification from a de facto standard into a component of the POSIX specification. Therefore, the term POSIX sockets is essentially synonymous withBerkeley sockets. They are also known as BSD sockets, acknowledging the first implementation in the Berkeley Software Distribution.

Socket API functions

This list is a summary of functions or methods provided by the Berkeley sockets API library:

  • socket() creates a new socket of a certain socket type, identified by an integer number, and allocates system resources to it.
  • bind() is typically used on the server side, and associates a socket with a socket address structure, i.e. a specified local port number and IP address.
  • listen() is used on the server side, and causes a bound TCP socket to enter listening state.
  • connect() is used on the client side, and assigns a free local port number to a socket. In case of a TCP socket, it causes an attempt to establish a new TCP connection.
  • accept() is used on the server side. It accepts a received incoming attempt to create a new TCP connection from the remote client, and creates a new socket associated with the socket address pair of this connection.
  • send() and recv(), or write() and read(), or sendto() and recvfrom(), are used for sending and receiving data to/from a remote socket.
  • close() causes the system to release resources allocated to a socket. In case of TCP, the connection is terminated.
  • gethostbyname() and gethostbyaddr() are used to resolve host names and addresses. IPv4 only.
  • select() is used to suspend, waiting for one or more of a provided list of sockets to be ready to read, ready to write, or that have errors.
  • poll() is used to check on the state of a socket in a set of sockets. The set can be tested to see if any socket can be written to, read from or if an error occurred.
  • getsockopt() is used to retrieve the current value of a particular socket option for the specified socket.
  • setsockopt() is used to set a particular socket option for the specified socket.

Berkeley sockets can operate in one of two modes: blocking or non-blocking.
A blocking socket does not return control until it has sent (or received) some or all data specified for the operation. It is normal for a blocking socket not to send all data. The application must check the return value to determine how many bytes have been sent or received and it must resend any data not already processed.[7] When using blocking sockets, special consideration should be given to accept() as it may still block after indicating readability if a client disconnects during the connection phase.
On the other hand, a non-blocking socket returns whatever is in the receive buffer and immediately continues. If not written correctly, programs using non-blocking sockets are particularly susceptible to race conditions due to variances in network link speed.
A socket is typically set to blocking or nonblocking mode using the fcntl() or ioctl() functions.