

Unit- I 
Networking & TCP/IP: Communication protocols, Network architecture, UUCP, XNS, IPX/SPX for LANs, TCP & IP headers, IPv4 & v6 address structures, Programming Applications: Time & date routines, Internet protocols: Application layer, Transport layer, Network layer, Datalink layer protocols, Chat, Email, Web server working method & programming.

Socket Programming: Creating sockets, Posix data type, Socket addresses, Assigning address to a socket, Java socket programming, Thread programming, Berkeley Sockets: Overview, socket address structures, byte manipulation & address conversion functions, elementary socket system calls – socket, connect, bind, listen, accept, fork, exec, close, TCP ports (ephemeral, reserved), Berkeley Sockets: I/O asynchronous & multiplexing models, select & poll functions, signal & fcntl functions, socket implementation (client & server programs), UNIX domain protocols.

APIs & Winsock Programming: Windows socket API, window socket & blocking I/O model, blocking sockets, blocking functions, timeouts for blocking I/O, API overview, Different APIs & their programming technique, DLL & new API’s, DLL issues, Java Beans. 

Web Programming & Security: Java network programming, packages, RMI, Overview of Javascript, WAP architecture & WAP services, Web databases, Component technology, CORBA concept, CORBA architecture, CGI programming, Firewall & security technique, Cryptography, Digital Signature.

Client Server Programming: Client side programming: Creating sockets, implementing generic network client, Parsing data using string Tokenizer, Retrieving file from an HTTP server, Retrieving web documents by using the URL class. Server side programming: Steps for creating server, Accepting connection from browsers, creating an HTTP server, Adding multithreading to an HTTP server. 


  1. Write an echo program with client and iterative server using TCP.
  2. Write an echo program with client and concurrent server using TCP.
  3. Write an echo program with client and concurrent server using UDP.
  4. Write a client and server program for chatting.
  5. Write a program to retrieve date and time using TCP.
  6. Write a program to retrieve date and time using UDP.
  7. Write a client and server routines showing Blocking I/O.
  8. Write a client and server routines showing I/O multiplexing.
  9. Write an echo client and server program using Unix domain stream socket.
  10. Write an echo client and server program using Unix domain Datagram socket.
  11. Write a client and server program to implement file transfer.
  12. Write a client and server program to implement the remote command execution
  13. Write a client program that gets a number from the user and sends the number to server for conversion into hexadecimal and gets the result from the server.